A Denton for all ages and abilities.
Bike Denton strives to increase the accessibility and opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the benefits of active and affordable transportation. This is accomplished through education, advocating for safe and inclusive multimodal infrastructure and policies, and building a network or like-minded individuals and organizations.
Bike Denton began in 2007 as a blog by Howard Draper to shine a light on the issues, dangers, and joys of biking in Denton that were going largely unnoticed by the community and local news. With the creation of Bike Denton, a community of advocates formed to push the City of Denton to develop its first Bike Plan, which was approved unanimously by the Denton City Council in February, 2012. Denton residents of all ages spoke in support of the bike plan, including one resident who biked all the way from Robson Ranch to speak in support.
In 2014, Howard Draper moved to another city and left Bike Denton in the hands of other residents. The “keys” to the blog and social media pages changed hands a few times before eventually landing in the hands of Suzi Rumohr in 2017. Since then, Bike Denton’s focus has shifted to include other modes of transportation, including walking, mobility devices, and public transportation. However, the primary focus is still people using bicycles.
A group of residents is working towards making Bike Denton a more formal organization that will provide opportunities for membership and volunteering. More to come…