Class Information
City of Denton Parks and Recreation staff are offering a bike safety class. Topics will include proper bicycle and helmet fit, rules of the road, bicycle handling practice in a safe space, then an on-road ride on neighborhood streets to practice what you learned.
Where: Denton Senior Center (509 Bell Avenue), Blue Room
When: Saturday, April 29, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Who: Anyone 12 years of age or older.
Cost: $40 for residents / $45 for non residents
Deadline to register: By end of Tuesday, April 25.
How to Register
1) Go to the Denton Parks & Recreation class registration website.
2) Start by either logging in or creating an account. You can log in with a Facebook or Google/Gmail account. Or you can create an account with your email address by clicking the light blue “Create Your PARD Account” button.
3) In the Filter search bar, type “bike safety.”
4) Click Bike Safety under either the Certifications & Trainings or the Outdoor Recreation categories.
5) Find and click “Bike Safety Class” for the 04/29/23 date.
6) To register for the class, go to the ACCOUNT MEMBERS box, click the checkbox to the left of your name, then click the green Add to Cart button.
7) Click the blue Checkout button to complete your registration.