Citizen Requests Bike Lanes on Montecito, Denton Edges Closer to Owning Elm St and Locust St
March 2, 2024
Bike lanes made an appearance as a topic in the Denton Friday Staff Report on March 1. The Friday Staff Report is published weekly by city staff and includes city updates, responses to City Council member requests and updates on street projects and road closures.
Citizen Requests Bike Lanes on Montecito Drive
According to the March 1 Friday Staff Report, Denton City Council member Joe Holland passed along a resident request to install a biking and walking lane on Montecito Drive, a north-south street located between Hobson Lane and Ryan Road in south Denton.
Sharrow markings and signage along Montecito Drive between Hobson Lane and El Paseo Street.
In response to the inquiry, city staff recommended against adding a separated lane for walking and biking due to the number of driveways along Montecito, which create conflict points where collisions can occur.
Staff noted that Montecito north of El Paseo Street already has sharrows that remind drivers that bicycle traffic may occupy the full travel lane, which Texas transportation code allows for lanes 14 feet wide or smaller. Staff further noted a lack of sharrows on Montecito south of El Paseo St. Staff indicated they plan to add sharrows along this segment and install a four-way stop at the intersection of Montecito Rd and El Paseo St.
Denton’s Bike Plan, last updated in 2022, aims for Montecito to continue as a shared roadway with sharrows between Hobson Ln and El Paseo St with a possible future sidepath between El Paseo St and Ryan Rd.
Existing and planned future bicycle infrastructure for Montecito Drive (Source: Denton’s 2022 Bike Plan)
Denton on Track to Acquire Portions of S Elm Street and S Locust Street
The City of Denton is drawing closer to taking ownership of portions of S Elm Street and S Locust St, which are both currently owned by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). For years the City of Denton has coordinated with TxDOT to take ownership of portions of Elm St and Locust St after TxDOT reconstructs both roadways. Owning these roads gives Denton more control over how both streets are designed and operate.
Map showing the segments of S Elm St, S Locust St and Eagle Dr that will be reconstructed starting in summer.
According to an update in the March 1 Friday Staff Report, TxDOT anticipates beginning construction on Elm St and Locust St south of The Square starting in summer of this year. Residents can anticipate at least eight months of construction.
Once TxDOT completes construction of the new pavement, Denton should have the opportunity to design and install final striping of both roadway segments, according to a presentation to Denton’s Mobility Committee on February 28.
Both roadways have substantial width that can likely accommodate protected bike lanes while retaining all existing on-street parking. To date, city staff have not shared any plans to redesign the striping of either street segment.
S Locust Street, facing north.