Recap: Park(ing) Day and Quarterly Cleanup
September 18, 2022
It was a busy weekend chatting about parking and removing litter from the DCTA Rail Trail. Check out the highlights:
Park(ing) Day
Park(ing) Day was on Friday on the Denton Square. According to the PARK(ing) Day website, “Park(ing) day is a global, public, participatory project where people across the world temporarily repurpose curbside parking spaces and convert them into public parks and social spaces to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets for people.”
Last year, three Denton organizations participated in Park(ing) Day. This year, eight organizations hosted a parking space.
Bike Denton demonstrated how many customers a single parking space can serve: 1 customer in a car or 10+ customers on bicycle. When more people can bike, walk or take transit, they use less space and free up existing parking spaces.
Denton Affordable Housing Corporation (DAHC) fit a small apartment in a single parking space. We devote more land to housing cars than to housing people.
Volunteers with Stronger Denton used toy blocks and cars to show how many parking spaces the City of Denton requires for each type of building or business. For nearly all buildings, the city mandates more space for cars than for the building itself, which results in sprawling developments that are unfriendly to walking, biking and public transit.
Valley Quest Design educated us on the importance of pollinators.
UNT Urban Policy and Planning tested participants on their parking knowledge with trivia questions. Did you know the average car spends 93% of its life parked and costs an average of $8,500 per year to own?
97 Land highlighted the importance of sustainable landscaping and how green space and beautification can increase property values.
Denton Parks & Recreation brought out the fun with corn hole and partnered with Denton Development Services with informative posters about current and upcoming city projects.
Interested in hosting a parking space next year? Reach out to Bike Denton, and we’ll pass along your name or business to event organizers.
Quarterly Litter Cleanup
Volunteers removed six bags of litter and one bag of recycling on Saturday from Bike Denton’s Adopt-A-Spot through Keep Denton Beautiful.
Trailer filled up quickly with large litter items.
Members of the Bike Denton leadership team pose with collected litter.
Transporting litter to trash bins.
The final quarterly cleanup of the year will likely be in November. Stay posted!