West Side of Hinkle Roundabout Complete
May 7, 2021
Except for some caution tape that needs to be removed, the bike lane and sidewalk on the west side of the Hinkle roundabout is complete.
Completing this gap in the bicycle infrastructure on Hinkle comes one year after fully connected infrastructure was completed for motor vehicles.
There is still more infrastructure to be built. The bike lane ramp on the east side of the roundabout still dead ends into grass. There are gaps in the sidewalks along Hinkle that will remain until property redevelopment triggers sidewalk construction by a developer or the city funds the construction of these sidewalk gaps through bonds or other means.
Filling the gap in the bike lane and sidewalk on the west side of the Hinkle roundabout is one more step toward multimodal access along this roadway. Depending on experience and confidence levels, riders may choose to take the ramps around the outside of the roundabout or may continue to ride in the roundabout itself.
There is no word yet on when the east side of the roundabout might be completed. City staff are continuing to work on solutions.
Southbound bike ramp on Hinkle at Mimosa.
Riders enter the ramp, merge with the sidewalk, and use the crosswalk to cross.
After using the crosswalk to cross, riders use another ramp to rejoin the roadway.