Weekly Denton Group Rides
There is a regular group ride on nearly every day of the week in Denton. If you know about a ride that isn’t on this list, please let us know! Please reach out to Bike Denton if you can’t find a group ride that matches your skill level or interest. We’re happy to try to connect you with others to start a new ride!
Monday Community Ride
This group is fairly new and still getting established, but they’re a good time! Be prepared for possible hang-outs after the ride. Ride updates are posted on Instagram at dentoncommunityrides.
Where: Downtown, north side of courthouse lawn
When: Mondays at 6 PM
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Distance: ~10 miles
Pace: 10-12 mph
Denton Women Cyclists
This group aims to build the cycling confidence of all women, trans women, femme, and non-binary individuals. This groups hosts a Tuesday ladies social ride as well as occasional rides on other days of the week. Rides are posted on the Denton Women Cyclists Facebook page.
Where: Parking lot at 317 W Mulberry St
When: Tuesdays at 7 PM
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Distance: 8-12 miles
Pace: 8-10 mph
Tuesday Bike Night
If you prefer a later start, this ride is for you. Short, sweet, and full of adventure! Rides are posted on the Tuesday Bike Night Facebook page.
Where: Outside the UNT Language Building
When: Tuesdays at 8:30 PM
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Distance: 5 miles
Pace: 10-12 mph
East Side Social Ride
The East Side Social Ride is Denton’s biggest Thursday group ride. After the ride, stick around for a beer or two at East Side. Rides are posted on the Denton Social Cyclists Facebook page.
Where: East Side Denton (117 E Oak St)
When: Thursday at 7:30 PM
Level: Intermediate
Distance: ~15 miles
Pace: 11-14 mph
Denton County Cycling
This group is good for more advanced riders looking for more miles at a faster pace. All rides and start times are posted on the Denton County Cycling Facebook page.
Where: Parking lot between Rusty Taco and Wells Fargo
When: Saturdays at 7 AM or 8 AM depending on season. See Facebook page for accurate start times.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Distance: 30-70 miles
Pace: 12-20 mph