City of Denton Voters will Consider Trail and Mingo Road Funding in November Bond Election
August 27, 2023
Three people walk in the grass along Mingo Road, which will be on Denton voters’ ballot in November.
On August 15, the Denton City Council finalized $309,590,000 in proposed bond-funded projects that will be on the November ballot for City of Denton voters. Among the projects are funding for $15 million in trail development. Additional funding would expand Mingo Road and Ruddell Street, adding 10-foot sidepaths to both streets for people walking, rolling or biking.
Proposition A includes Mingo Road and Ruddell street projects. Proposition C includes trail development funding.
Propositions and additional information for the City of Denton bond election are listed on the City’s 2023 Bond Program webpage.
Proposition A - Streets ($45,125,000)
Mingo Road (Bell Avenue to Mockingbird Lane / U.S. 380)
Ruddell Street (U.S. 380 to Mingo Road)
Railroad Quiet Zones (Mockingbird to Frame Street)
Proposition B - Drainage and Flood Control ($58,860,000)
Oakland drainage and upstream detention improvements
Pecan Creek Tributary (PEC-4) Phases 3 & 4 drainage improvements
Proposition C - Park System ($33,450,000)
New inclusive playground
Trail development
Aquatic improvements
Proposition D - Public Safety ($42,015,000)
Fire Station #5
Fire Station #6
Linda McNatt Animal Care & Adoption Center Expansion
Proposition E - Affordable Housing ($15,000,000)
Funding for planning, designing, acquiring, constructing, renovating, improvement and equipping affordable housing facilities for low and moderate-income persons and families.
Proposition F - Active Adult Center ($47,360,000)
Funding to design, acquire, construct, improve, equip and landscape a new active adult center for persons 50 years and older.
Proposition G - South Branch Library ($49,545,000)
Funding to design, acquire, construct, improve, equip and landscape a new South Branch Library.
Proposition H - City Hall West ($18,235,000)
Funding to design, acquire, construct, improve, equip and landscape the renovation of City Hall West for event space and city administrative services.
Also on the November Ballot
In 2023, the Texas Legislature approved a constitutional amendment for $1 billion in funding to create a centennial parks conservation fund to be used for the creation and improvement of Texas state parks.
Voters must approve Proposition 14 on their November 7 ballot to establish this fund. The funding would come from the nearly $33 billion state surplus and thus would not increase taxes.
Visit for more information about this proposition and how it might benefit biking in the state.
How to Vote on November 7
To vote in the November 7 bond and constitutional amendments election, potential voters must be registered to vote by October 10. Voters who moved to Denton more recently should update their voter registration to their Denton address in order to vote in city elections.